Thursday, September 2, 2010

An interview.

1. What is something mom always says to you?
Billy: Go to the bathroom!
Tobi: I love you!
Mercy: Let me sleep some more. (can you tell who's the early riser?!)

2. What makes mom happy?
Billy: I don't know.
Tobi: Loving on you (while hugging and squeezing my arm)
Mercy: I know something! Listening to you!!!

3. What makes mom sad?
Billy: Hitting you. (Side note: My kids are not hitters. No clue where this came from)
Tobi: That we don't listen to you and .... thaaaat your heart gets sad when we dont' understand what we mean of our behavior.
Mercy: When we say bad words?

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Billy: Hi Booger Ball. (Umm...idk)
Tobi: Tickle - no not Tickleing. Making funny face.
Mercy: Tickling me!

5. What was your mom like as a child?
Billy- I don't know. I've never heard of that.
Tobias - Never heard of that.
Mercy - You were like, playing.

6. How old is your mom?
Billy: 30
Tobias: 32, 59, 159 to infinity and beyond, rise and shine baby!
Mercy: Um you are 30.

(haha I've got them fooled!)

7. How tall is your mom?
Billy - I don't know. 40, 760 inches long.
Tobias: Taller than anything in the world, including God!
Mercy: Your'e taller than this (As she holds my wallet up)

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Billy: Uhhh kill flies
Tobias: Love you.
Mercy: Um your favorite thing to do is, like, go swimming.

9. What does your mom do when you are not home?
Billy: You whack flies.
Tobias: No. [proceeds to bust into peals of laughter]
Mercy: You cry.

10.If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Billy: Exterminating flies.
Mercy: For us. [asking for clarification: I would become famous because of them]

11. What is your mom really good at?
Billy: basketball and lighting up candles
Tobias: guitar [although I'm not]
Mercy: You're really good at protecting us!

12. What is your mom not good at?
Billy: Burping [which I actually am]
Tobias: Flushing the toilet [I think he's getting ridiculous now]
Mercy: Climbing trees [true story]

13.what does your mom do for a job?
Billy: Working to pay stuff for other people
Tobias: Go to work. Work for money.
Mercy: You pay the people's stuff they buy [she's closest]

14.What is your mom's favorite food?
Mercy: Pizza?
Billy: I...don't know.
Tobias: Pickles, Ham & Cheese. And Salami sandwich.

15.What makes your mom proud of you?
Billy: Laughing.
Tobias: Not being bad.
Mercy: When we say Yes when we have to say yes.

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Billy: a dragon, it would just be cool.
Tobias: a train.
Mercy: I think you should be a beautiful woman who loves to take walks. That has a pet dog.

17. what do you and your mom do together?
Billy: Play at the park sometimes. And go swimming.
Tobias: We swim together, we play together, and we eat together.
Mercy: We snuggle. We go shopping. Walks. Watch TV - Usually Say Yes To the Dress.

18. How are you and your mom the same?
Billy: We both have freckles.
Tobias: We both love music. I love Metalicca, you love Nickelback, right?
Mercy: We both have really long hair.

19. How are you and your mom different?
Billy: You have bracelets and I don't.
Tobias: We don't have the same hair. I have grey eyes and you have green eyes.
Mercy: We are different ages.

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Billy: Because you're nice.
Tobias: Because you're lovely and very nice {complete with a hug & a kiss}
Mercy: Because you're my mom!

21. What does your mom like most about your step-dad?
Billy: Oh I don't know.
Tobias: You love him, you love him, you love him.
Tobi: How he does the tricks in the water, when we swim!

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go
Billy: The pool. Swimming.
Tobias: Going to the internet. Facebook. [busted]
Mercy: Um, like, A restaurant.

Well folks. That's that.

Now to go clean, eat, and listen to some music. ♪♫

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