Wednesday, July 14, 2010

And in the pit of the night I hear you laughing so loud...

Last night was weird. Tobi & I were fighting. More like...I was fighting with him. He just rolled his eyes and walked away. I hate the heat. DESPISE the heat. I especially hate being touched in the heat. And he kept trying to cuddle with me, so I had a bitch fest.

I'm really not sure how any of my anger made sense last night. But that's just it. The heat makes me do things in an insane and irrational manner. Things that I would normally do at the drop of a hat (hello? Cuddling! I LOVE cuddling. I only get 1 more month of cuddling. And I went ape-shit cause he kept wanting to cuddle. What the hell is this nonsense?!) I love to be touched. Well. Normally I love being touched. Last night I would have made the heavens rain fire every time I was touched.

See? Insane. Irrational.

So, we're laying in bed, and oh yeah. I've been REALLY itchy the last couple of days. Yes, Bitchy, but I mean truly ITCHY. Like I feel like I've been on Vicodin or some other drug of awesomeness, but I haven't.

So Last night we were laying in bed, Tobi afraid to touch me out of fear of me ripping his head off. Me seething and trying to fall asleep, all the while scratching at my back like a maniac on speed. *Somehow* we started talking about the laundry (I'm glossing over the somehow. It was truly just another horrible story of my insanity gone wild). So we're laying there, and he tells me how he had done the laundry, which I had noticed (and yes I did thank him. I'm not a total psycho), and I had somehow mentioned that I use the clear liquid and the blue liquid. He goes "What clear liquid?" The following conversation ensued:

Me: What exactly do you use when you wash the laundry?
T: The blue stuff.
Me: What do you put the blue stuff in?
T: In the blue ball.
Me: How much do you put in?
T: I fill it up all the way.
Me: [while stifling a groan] Um...You're only supposed to fill it up to the line.
T: What line?
Me: The one that's about 1/4 of the way up.
T: Oh. Oops. Well, the blue thing is empty now.
Me: Awesome. And how much clear liquid do you use?
T: What clear liquid?
Me: The actual soap, to wash the laundry?
T: What's the blue stuff then??
Me: Liquid Fabric Softener. It makes the clothes softer. Fluffier.
T: Oh. Well. um. It got washed in fabric softener and water then.
Me: And that would be why I'm itching.

At this point it's 2 in the a.m. We're both fully aware of the fact that the kids will most likely be waking up in about 3 hours (The did sleep in until 8:30 today, for the FIRST TIME EVER!!!), we're both deliriously exhausted and just start to laugh.

Deep. Belly. Laugh.
Side splitting, can't stop, going to piss myself....laughing.

And he still loves me.
Even though I am crazy bitch woman in the heat.

Luckily I'm not IN heat, right?

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